Aqueous Film Coating Vs Non-aqueous Film Coatng
In this post, we will know what the difference between AQUEOUS and NON-AQUEOUS film coating.
First, we must know why we use aqueous, why we use non-aqueous, and why we do not use one type of for all products.
- Some products and active ingredients are affected by alcohol or similar solvents, so aqueous film coat is used.
- Also, some products have a very low moisture content, and the product should not be exposed to high temperature during the coating stage, so a non-aqueous coat is used.
- Some products contain substances that dissolve quickly in water, so a non-aqueous coat is used.
- Some products contain substances that have a low melting point and should not be exposed to high temperature during the coating stage, so we use non-aqueous film coating.
Comparison between the two types in the process:
- Regarding the temperature of the tablets bed, we will say that it is aqueous from 37 to 45
- For non-aqueous, the temperature ranges from 32 to 37.
- As for the distance between the guns and the tablets bed, it should be aqueous from 20 to 30 cm.
- For non-aqueous, the distance between 16 to 25 cm. Of course, due to the fragility of the spray and the speed of its flight, because this we reduce the distance..
Some notes
- Non-aqueous is unsafe because solvents such as alcohol and acetone are used, for example, so the machine and the place in general should be explosion proof.
- Non-aqueous is a quick process and its time is always less than aqueous. We can use it for products that have problems in coating in order to avoid these problems.
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Resource Person: Shady Mansour