Design of Pharmaceutical Water Stations


Pre-treatment system

1- Pretreatment process contains traditional processes, such as Feed water storage tank,Heat exchanger heating device,Mechanical filtrater, activated carbon filtrater, softener,Precision Filter, dosing device, as well as ultra-filtration, residual chlorine removal UV, micro-filtration, etc.


Residual chlorine removal UV system

1- Using residual chlorine removal UV system in pretreatment, instead of activated carbon filter.

2- At the same time of efficient removal of residual chlorine, system can completely inactivate raw water microorganism, ensuring safety of microorganism from the source and improving quality of supply water.

3- It supports online UV intensity monitoring and dosage display, which can accurately predict dechlorination effect and completely avoid troubles from activated carbon filter.


RO2 system

1- Based on demands of raw water quality conditions and terminal water,RO2 can be used as terminal processing of PW generation system.

2- If alkalinity of raw water is on the high side, degassing device can be chosen.

3- The water quality conforms to requirements of Chinese pharmacopoeia, European pharmacopoeia and United States pharmacopoeia.


RO1+EDI system

1- Based on demands of raw water quality conditions and terminal water, RO1 +EDI can be used as terminal processing of PW generation system.

2- Quality of water produced by RO1 + EDI is stable, only slightly affected by fluctuation of raw water quality.

3- The water quality conforms to requirements of Chinese pharmacopoeia, European pharmacopoeia and United States pharmacopoeia.


RO2+EDI system

1- Adopting RO2+EDI system as terminal processing of PW generation system, produced water will only be slightly affected by fluctuation of raw water quality.

2- Quality of produced water is stable and highly above requirements of Pharmacopoeia.


Ozone Unit before purified water tank

1- Regular sanitisation is essential to prevent build–up of biofilm.

2- Heat is the preferred sanitisation method although hydrogen peroxide and ozone can also be effective.

3- Ozone and hot water sanitisation are suitable for the storage and distribution loop.

4-Ozone is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a sanitising agent.

5- O3 is a very strong oxidising agent that kills bacteria and reduces TOC in water.

Read also: Water System Validation in Pharmaceutical Industry

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